Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I'm not exactly certain where to begin .....

I have started other blogs, several in fact over the last decade or so.  

Then life changes, sometimes dramatically, and I stop posting.  Or I simply don't want to talk about that subject anymore.  I will tell you - last night I was told that I may have an "aggressive" personality.  Not that I am an aggressive person exactly, but one of the traits is that we become bored easily.  Yeah, that might be true.  (I would look up more on that whole 'what personality type are you?', but I don't really care). 

Anyway, I have quite a few reasons to start a new blog, so maybe I will start with that.

1.  I have grown quite a bit in the last year, with many changes to my perspective and my desires.  A blog sometimes reminds me of where I want my focus to be. My goals, my gratitude, and my growth. 

2.  Some of the previous blogs are very much about what I used to be like, or what I used to focus on.  While there are some interesting and valuable things in there, I don't really feel like it is representative of where I am now.  When I was very sick with Fibromyalgia I posted a lot about that.  Thankfully I don't suffer nearly as much as I did then, so I try not to focus on it.  That being said, I will certainly try to offer help or support to any that do suffer, and try to focus on the positives, as opposed to the pain and struggles I felt the need to focus on years ago. 

3.  I want to get back into journaling, and while sometimes that is in a notebook, with many colors, sometimes the thoughts come fast and furious and my hands can only keep up with my brain on a keyboard.  Also, with a blog, assuming I someday actually have followers, it keeps me a bit accountable.  (Hey dream big right?)

4.  I will confess right up front, that in theory this will someday be a small stream of income for me in some way.  Maybe it will never develop into that, but if nothing else, everything I read tells me to write, write and write some more, so here I go......

What I Don't Want:

is for my blog to be a certain way.  Based solely on Pinterest Marketing Ideas, with its purpose to drive people to this page to read my drivel.  If you stumble across me, and I amuse you or interest you in some way, then probably you will stay.  And perhaps if you stay I will at some point in the future offer something that you might be interested in purchasing.  Or I may not.  Regardless - don't expect any "perfect" blog posts.  This is discussed much more thoroughly (and intelligently) at The Trouble with Blogging, but please know, at the end of the day this is mostly just the ramblings of a 40 something woman with a little to say about a lot of different things. 

Even if this new blog is only for a this year, I love being able to go back and see what I thought, or how I have changed. So this is me..... Gratefully Growing.

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